testing testing

This will be slow going as I figure all this out but I had to start somewhere so I just tossed in a few photos for eye candy while I seek out help from my blogger buddies Denis, Becky and Matt.
Technology has left me mercilessly in the dust : (
So far just pictures...no musings.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

so I got this thing started and forgot about it. i guess i have no musings for you.

ok, here's something:
i recently returned from a trip to sedona. i have been going out there every september
since 1996 to practice tai chi fundamentals with like minded people from all over the country.
the gathering is called tai chi alchemy and usually draws 40-50 people. about 30 of us are now regulars and consider it more of a family reunion. hard to describe in words.

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